Meeting Highlights

Meeting Archives

August Meeting Highlights

Mahalo to those who joined us!

Introduction and Topic

Mark Garrity, Executive Director of the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization (OMPO), presented on the Oahu Regional Transportation Plan (ORTP) 2050 and touched on some other important initiatives the group is working on.

Presentation Highlights

The OMPO established a Project Management Training Program focused on enhancing the skills of State and Local Government workers whom are involved in federally-funded transportation projects. The primary goal of the program is to help increase federal funding to the State by increasing the capacity of staff that can manage the projects. The program is 100% federally funded.

The 2050 ORTP goals and objectives are centered around increased safety, an enhanced transportation system, continued establishment of a reliable and efficient multi-modal transportation system, and reduction in greenhouse gas resulting from transportation, to name a few.

The OMPO also implements strong engagement within the community, including programs online that collect survey data that is used to help the Scenario Development Process, and programs geared toward keiki involvement. You can learn more at the OMPO website here.

For the full presentation slides, please click here.


Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 25, 2024, we will be hearing from Daniel Alexander and Germain Salim-Hagihara from the City talking about the Oahu Vision Zero Plan.

Also, SAVE THE DATE: On Thursday, October 24, 2024, ITE Hawaii will be hosting its annual meeting. Due to renovations at the Outrigger Canoe Club, this year’s annual meeting will be held in the Goldwings conference room at the International Trade Resource Center. See flyer for the event here. Here is a link to the Annual Event Registration. PLEASE REGISTER BY OCTOBER 10, 2024!!

Please click here to see our remaining 2024 Calendar events in full.

April in person/virtual hybrid Meeting Highlights

11:30 AM – 11:45 AM – Officer Meeting

11:45 AM: Introduction ITE International Director Candidates Kimberly Leung and Joe De La Garza. Click the names to see the profiles and please get out and vote!

Introduction and Topic

Peter Koonce, PE spoke in person on Artificial Intelligence use in Traffic Signal System Management.

Presentation highlights

Artificial Intelligence helps address limited workforce, reduces costs of implementation, and helps create a safer environment.

AI helps make use of the data that is collected via our smart phones and vehicles and can be used to integrate into our traffic signal systems. This helps cut down traffic time and improve public transportation. The data can be collected and dashboards created that help City agencies implement these measures.

Click here for the slides to the presentation.

Next Meeting: May 22, 2024 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Don’t forget to register for our Technical Solutions Event which will be held virtually via Zoom on Wednesday, May 22 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. There will be three 30-minute sessions throughout the afternoon.  The first two sessions will include 2 presentations in separate breakout rooms and the final session will include a panel talking about the future of Traffic Signal Controllers.  See presentations from Applied Information, Iteris, Carmanah, Ouster, Econolite, Q Free, and Swarco.  Registration for ITE members and agency members is free, non-member fee is $10. Detailed information and the registration link here.

2024 ITE Hawaii Section Calendar: Click here.

February Meeting Highlights

11:30 AM – 11:45 AM – Officer meeting

11:45 AM: Announcements

  • Please come show support to the ITE student chapter, where ITE and ASCE are teaming up and will be hosting a “Kanack Attack” social on March 23, 2024 from 10am-2pm at Ala Moana Beach Park. Our student chapter would like to extend this invite to members of YMF and those within the transportation engineering and planning community. There will be food, drinks, and games provided. The mission of this social is to create a casual environment for students and professionals to network and build relationships with each other. If you are interested, please RSVP through this link. If your company is looking to hire interns, please indicate that in your RSVP and a resume book will be sent to the email provided. Reach out to Ruimin lin, Ehren Medrano, or JP Domingo for more information.
  • Engineer’s Week success w/ “Are We There Yet” board game and big mahalo to volunteers
  • March: There will be no section meeting. We do encourage members to attend the ITE Virtual Spring Conference held from March 19-20.
  • April: Artificial Intelligence in the Transportation Industry.

Introduction and Topic

Randy McCourt, PE, PTOE spoke on “The New MUTCD – What to Know”

Presentation Highlights

Click here for Presentation Slides

Next Meeting: No March Meeting but see you at the Virtual Spring Conference 3/19-3/20!

CLICK here for the MARCH WILIKI Newsletter!

Upcoming Events

2024 ITE Hawaii Section Calendar: Click here.

January 2024 Meeting Highlights

Meeting Date: January 31, 2024

Venue: Virtual

Attendance: 30 Participants

Welcome Attendees

President Keoni Wasano welcomed in all attendees


Any students interested in applying for our grants, our deadline has been extended to mid-February, 2024.

Introduction and Topic

Dr. Billie Louise “Beezy” Bentzen, COMS, PhD Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist spoke on PROWAG and MUTCD 2023: Implications for Pedestrians who have Vision Disabilities.

Presentation Highlights

Implications of PROWAG/MUTCD on our industry
Differences between PROWAG and ADAAG and what’s expected in the future
Other provisions such as for roundabouts, detectable warnings, and protruding objects

Meeting Minutes

Click here for Presentation Slides.

Next Meeting

February 28, 2024 – MUTCD Updates. Click here to Register.

Upcoming Events

2024 ITE Hawaii Section Calendar: Click here.

October 2023 Annual Meeting Highlights

Meeting Date: October 26, 2023

Venue: In-Person Meeting

Attendance: 33 Participants

Welcome Attendees

President Keoni Wasano welcomed all attendees at the Annual Meeting.


Keoni acknowledged our special guest, Kimberly Leung (Western District President).

Grant deadlines for the C.S. Papacostas Grant and the Fred Smoot Grant will be January 1, 2024. For more information and for the application, please click here.

Committee Chairs

Legislative Committee – Current chair, Jefferson Young will continue in 2024
Technical Committee – Yifeng Mao (stepping down for new career in Washington)
HCES Committee – Warren Yamamoto (stepping down in 2024)/Joel Thomas to take over in 2024
OMPO Representative – Robert Nehmad (stepping down in 2024)
Student Chapter President – Jonah Lorica (stepping down in 2024)/Ruimin Lin (Current)
Student Chapter Professional Liaison – Current co-chairs Chayson Dulatre/Joshua Ramelb to continue in 2024


Keoni gave a quick review of the meetings and accomplishments of the Hawaii Section. The following were mentioned:
May – 3rd Annual Technical Solutions Event
August – ITE Joint International/Western District Annual Meeting where the chapter as well as some of our members received awards.
September – DTS Skyline Rail Tour
4 Sections meetings including our first hybrid meeting

Then Keoni presented this years Appreciation Award to Yifeng Mao for his contributions to the Hawaii Section and helping to make the DTS Rail Tour possible.

Cathy Leong then announced the Election Results (see below) and our special guest Kimberly Leung swore in the officers.
President – Keoni Wasano
Vice President – Michelle Lindsey
Secretary-Treasurer – Joel Thomas

Closing and Next Meeting

Keoni thanked everyone for attending and reiterated the upcoming meetings listed below:

February 2024 – Engineer’s Week (We will be looking for volunteers so please be on the lookout for our emails regarding this event)
Western District Annual Meeting in Sacramento June 23-26, 2024 (Hotel and meeting registration is open. For more information, please click here.

Upcoming Event Links

2023 ITE Hawaii Section Calendar: Click here.