Fred Smoot

In 2022, the Fred Smoot Hawaii Section Grant was created by Phoenix Pacific to honor the legacy and contributions of its founder, Fred Smoot, by providing assistance for continuing education opportunities to Hawaii Section members. Fred Smoot was a strong support of the Section serving as an officer for several terms and as the financial chair for the 2006 District Annual Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii. This $1,000 grant will be funded by Phoenix Pacific and offered annually to a Hawaii Section member based on the following guidelines:
- A single scholarship of up to $1,000 will be offered annually to a Hawaii Section member to be used for funding a continuing education opportunity during the same calendar year. In addition, Phoenix Pacific has offered to provide a technical tour of its facility in Kapolei for interested awardees.
- Appropriate continuing education opportunities include the following:
- ITE Western District Annual Meeting
- ITE Western District Student Leadership Summit
- ITE International Annual Meeting
- ITE International Technical Conference
- LeadershipITE
- ITE Webinar/Training Program (Western District or International)
- Tuition in a related field of study
- Applications for the Phoenix Pacific Hawai’i Section Grant must be submitted to the ITE Hawai’i Section Board by January 1st. The request must be submitted online through the Section’s website and will include the applicant’s planned continuing education opportunity, an estimated cost to participate, and a summary of why they should be selected.
- The recipient(s) must be active and in good standing with ITE International, ITE Western District, and the ITE Hawai’i Section at the time of the application.
- The ITE Hawai’i Section Board will select an awardee in consultation with Phoenix Pacific. The applicant’s involvement with ITE on the local, District, or International level will be factored into the selection. Consideration will be given to new applicants for the grant over previous recipients.
- The recipient of this grant is required provide a written summary to the ITE Hawaii Section Board within 30 days of their continuing education experience. The summary should include a brief discussion of what they learned and the benefit of their participation.