Newly elected President, Sara Okuda, facilitated her first meeting as President at the September Meeting which was held at Wilson Okamoto Corporation. To start the meeting, Sara facilitated introductions around the room, asking everyone to each introduce themselves with their name, place of work/school, and who introduced them to ITE Hawaii. Sara then announced the …
Category: Meeting Summary
Jul 14
June 2016 Meeting Highlights
The ITE Annual Hawaii Section Meeting was held on June 22nd at the Plaza Club Ballroom. President Nita Wolfgramm welcomed everyone to the meeting and went over a few announcements. Vice President Sara Okuda then introduced Chris Clark from the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization, who spoke on the Oahu Regional Transportation Plan (ORTP) 2040. Cathy …
May 25
April 2016 Meeting Highlights
On April 27, 2016, President Nita Wolfgramm opened the meeting welcoming everyone to the Hawaii Section April Meeting at the Wilson Okamoto Corporation office. Cathy Leong, Western ITE District President, then mentioned that elections for next year’s officers will be held soon. The slate of candidates for the 2016-2017 elections includes the following: President: Sara …
Mar 16
March 2016 Meeting Highlights
On March 2nd, President Nita Wolfgramm welcomed everyone to the section meeting and Cathy Leong, Western ITE District President, provided an introduction to the current Western District Board Members and information on the new/ongoing initiatives taking place within the district. Cathy also discussed the possibility of having the Western District Annual Meeting in Hawaii in …
Nov 26
November 2015 Meeting Highlights
On November 25 President Nita Wolfgramm welcomed everyone to the section meeting and then Vice President Sara Okuda then introduced Wayne Kawano, Executive Director of CCPI, and Timothy Folks, Technical Services Manager for Hawaiian Cement who explained the chemical process involved to produce concrete. Timothy also went over the different admixtures that are normally used …
Nov 06
October 2015 Meeting Highlights
On October 28, 2015, President Nita Wolfgramm opened the meeting welcoming everyone to the Hawaii Section October Meeting at the Fasi Municipal Building. President Nita Wolfgramm announced that the ITE Hawaii Section had their first clean-up on October 10th as a part of the DOT Adopt-A-Highway program which involved picking up trash along Kahekili Highway …
Oct 14
September 2015 Meeting Highlights
Section Meeting On September 30, 2015, President Nita Wolfgramm opened the meeting welcoming everyone to the Hawaii Section September Meeting at the Fasi Municipal Building. Nita announced that the UH Manoa ITE student chapter has been reestablished and now has newly elected officers and members. Nita then announced that the ITE Hawaii Section will participate …
Sep 11
August 2015 Meeting Highlights
The ITE Hawaii Section meeting was held on August 26, on 9th floor of the Fasi Municipal Building President Nita Wolfgramm welcomed everyone to the section meeting and went over several announcements: • The Hawaii Section has donated $1,080 to the Richard T. Romer Student Endowment Fund in memory of Papacostas (so far $4,000 has …
Jun 03
May 2015 Section Meeting
The ITE Hawaii Section meeting was held on May 27th, on the 9th floor of the Fasi Municipal Building. President Pete Pascua opened the meeting having everyone introduce themselves. He thanked Gordon for providing lunch, and announced that the money collected for lunch will be donated to the Western District Student Endowment Fund in honor …
Mar 13
February 2015 Section Meeting
On Wednesday, February 18, 2015, the Section meeting was held at the Fasi Municipal Building, Honolulu. President Pete Pascua opened the meeting with everyone introducing themselves. He announced that the District meeting will be in Las Vegas this year, and that the deadline for the call for abstracts is coming up soon. Western District Vice …