Category: Meeting Summary

September 2021 Meeting Highlights

A virtual section meeting was held on Wednesday, September 22, 2021. President Kelly Akasaki welcomed everyone to the meeting. ITE Western District International Director Cathy Leong announced the upcoming ITE Joint Western District Sections Fall Technical Webinar Series titled, “What You Knew is Changing”. Additional information about this series is provided below. Cathy also revealed …

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June 2021 Meeting Highlights

A virtual section meeting was held on Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021. There were 21 people in attendance. ITE Western District International Director Cathy Leong welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded everyone about the upcoming 2021 Virtual ITE Joint International, Western, & Mountain Districts Annual Meeting. Event details and links to register are provided below. …

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April 2021 Meeting Highlights

A virtual section meeting was held on Wednesday, April 21st, 2021. There were 25 ITE members and 1 non-ITE participant in attendance. President Kelly Akasaki welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced that the Committee Chair reports would be provided in the section meeting minutes. Reference the Committee Updates section below. International Director Cathy Leong …

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February 2021 Meeting Highlights

A virtual section meeting was held on Wednesday, February 20, 2021. There were 20 ITE members in attendance. President Kelly Akasaki welcomed everyone to the meeting. Wayne Yoshioka, Legislative Chair, provided information regarding two bills currently in the legislation. House Bill 132 (HB132) – Relating to License Plates, would allow for use of a single …

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January 2021 Meeting Highlights

A virtual section meeting was held on Wednesday, January 20, 2021. There were 37 ITE members and 3 non-ITE members in attendance. President Kelly Akasaki welcomed everyone to the meeting and provided updates from the committee chairpersons. HCES Engineer’s week is tentatively scheduled for late February. Details about this virtual event will be distributed as …

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November 2020 Meeting Highlights

A virtual section meeting was held on Wednesday, November 18, 2020. There were 50 ITE members and non-ITE members in attendance. President Jennylyn Tapat welcomed everyone to the meeting. Then Cathy Leong made a few section announcements. Lastly, Kelly Akasaki introduced our guest speakers, Chris Clark who is the Chief Planner in the Department of …

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October 2020 Meeting Highlights

A virtual section meeting was held on Wednesday, October 21, 2020. There were 24 ITE members and 2 non-ITE members in attendance. President Jennylyn Tapat welcomed everyone to the meeting. Then Cathy introduced our guest speaker, Randy McCourt who is the International President of ITE. Randy also spearheaded ITE’s effort to track the impacts of …

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September 2020 Meeting Highlights

A virtual section meeting was held on Wednesday, September 23, 2020. There were 15 ITE members and 5 non-ITE members in attendance. Vice President Kelly Akasaki welcomed everyone to the meeting and provided a few Section updates. First, Kelly discussed the first virtual resume review workshop that was held between September 7-11, 2020. The workshop …

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February 2020 Meeting Highlights

A section meeting was held on Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at the Wilson Okamoto Corporation Conference Room. President Jennylyn Tapat welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked everyone to introduce themselves.  Following the introductions, Jennylyn asked the committee chairpersons to provide any new updates from the committees. Legislative Committee Chairperson Wayne Yoshioka began with a …

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October 2019 Meeting Highlights

A section meeting was held on Wednesday, October 30, 2019 at the Frank Fasi Municipal Building. President Jennylyn Tapat welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked everyone to introduce themselves.  Following the introductions, Jennylyn asked the committee chairpersons to provide any new updates from the committees. International Director Cathy Leong shared details on the Resume …

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