1907 South Beretania Street
Topic: Artificial Intelligence in Traffic Systems
Speaker: Peter Koonce, PE
Peter Koonce, P.E., serves on the International Board of Directors for ITE. He has been working on traffic signals and ITS projects for the majority of his career and is also an adjunct professor at Portland State University teaching graduate level courses in transportation engineering. He is a member of the Bicycle Technical Committee of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and is past Chair of the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Traffic Signal Systems. Peter is active with multiple professional societies including the National Association of City Transportation Officials, and the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals.
Presentation Highlights:
Peter will discuss how he has used Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures and Artificial Intelligence in Traffic Signal Systems to implement signal timing that matches our transportation policies and improves safety for multimodal users. The presentation will include a summary of leading pedestrian intervals, speed management, and AI for transit signal priority.
Location: Online via Zoom OR
In-Person at Wilson Okamoto Corporation
1907 S. Beretania Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96826
Lunch: Virtually (Free for ITE Members/$10 for non-members)
In-Person Without Food (Free for ITE Members/$10 for non-members)
In-Person With Food ($15 for both ITE Members and Non-members)
RSVP: www.ITE-hawaii.org/section-event
Please register by 12:00 PM Friday, April 19, 2024