January 2022 Meeting Highlights

Meeting Date: January 26, 2022

Venue: Virtual Meeting (District Zoom Account)

Attendance: ITE members: 30, Non-members: 2

New Officer Introductions

President Jasmine Teramae-Kaehuaea introduced new ITE Hawaii Section Officers: Vice President/Section Rep Keoni Wasano, Secretary-Treasurer Mike Motoki, and Director Kelly Akasaki.  

Committee Chair Introductions

Jasmine then introduced the Section Committee Chairs. Legislative Co-chairs Wayne Yoshioka and Jefferson Young introduced themselves and asked members to email them priority issues/bills that they should be closely tracking.  Joel Thomas and Warren Yamamoto introduced themselves as the Section’s HCES co-representatives.  Robert Nehmad, the OahuMPO representative, encouraged members to submit comments on CAC proposals.

Student Chapter Updates

Student Chapter Professional Liaison Michelle Agustin gave an update highlighting the 2022 Student Data Collection Award for STEM Outreach.  The Student Chapter proposed developing a hands-on STEM outreach activity supporting Vision Zero, which emphasizes how roadway design influences user safety.  Our Student Chapter was one of four submissions to be awarded $1000.  

Michelle informed the section of the upcoming UH Club Fair on February 4, 2022, and asked if any professionals would like to help man the ITE booth. Michelle also mentioned that the Student Chapter will be hosting an ITE Resume Review on Wednesday, February 16, 2022, from 5:00 pm-6:30 pm.  Details were emailed to members. Let Michelle, Jonah Lorica, or Abdul Alghamdi know if you’re interested in participating as a reviewer.

National/District Updates

International Director Cathy Leong gave an update on the Mid-Year Board Meeting which was held on January 21st and included the nomination of candidates for the 2023 District Officers.  

Cathy encouraged members to attend the 2022 ITE Western District Annual Meeting, which is scheduled for June 26-29, 2022 in Palm Springs at the Renaissance Palm Springs Hotel & Palm Springs Convention Center.  The District is partnering with CalTrans for several of the technical sessions.  Go to the website for more information.  Finally, Cathy noted that ballots for International Elections will be sent on February 9th with polls closing on March 11th.


Vice President Keoni introduced Chris Clark, Chief Planner with the City & County of Honolulu Department of Transportation Services.  Chris presented the City’s Right-of-Way Widths for Planned Street Improvements Plan.  The purpose of this effort is to create a publicly and easily accessible plan to communicate the City’s priorities for allocating City-owned ROW to various transportation modes.  Chris described the approach to the project, which compared future transportation needs, and prioritized modes while being constrained to existing ROW.  He demonstrated the Interactive Modal Map, and reviewed the project landing page (storymap).  Additional resources are linked below:

Next Meeting

Jasmine previewed the next meeting and events.  On February 23rd, Lauren Armstrong, Maui MPO, and Pam Eaton, County of Maui Planning will present an overview of the Ka’ahumanu Avenue Community Corridor Master Plan.  The March meeting will be replaced with a Technical Tour of the Oahu Transit Services electric bus charging facilities.  Finally, May 18th is Industry Day.