September 2013 Section Meeting

President Packard introduced, member Wes Frysztacki, of Weslin Consulting Services, Inc., who spoke about the Waikiki Regional Circulator Study.  Wes explained that the study was done for the City & County of Honolulu’s Department of Transportation Services (DTS), in which former DTS Director, member Wayne Yoshioka, allocated funds through the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization.  Additionally, member Hong Li, conducted the traffic study in the area, and current DTS Deputy Director, member Mark Garrity, was in attendance and able to give an update on the projects current status.  Wes talked about the top 8 things that can be done to improve transit circulation in Waikiki, including: having direct services and less stops; decreasing stop time, by changing the type of fare collection and having dedicated transit stops; improving way finding; and promoting livable communities. The meeting continued with discussion open to all in attendance, and proved to be a collaborative gathering of transportation professionals.