1997 Meeting Highlights

November, 1997

The section met on November 18 at the Flamingo Chuckwagon in Honolulu.

Julian Ng, ITE’s representative on the OMPO Citizen Advisory Committee, reported that OMPO is holding public hearings related to its 1998-2000 Transportation Improvement Program.

Ann Cadavona discussed pending legislation mandating continuing education requirements for professional license renewal. President Wayne Yoshioka asked the membership to provide input to the Board so that the Section can formulate its position on the subject.

The main speaker was Darrlyn Bunda, Executive Director of the Leeward Oahu Transportation Management Association (LOTMA). She discussed the role of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) within the transportation system. She described several LOTMA activities including carpool matching, vanpools and subscription buses. She also addressed the roles of HOV facilities, TheBus, bicycling and walking. Her conclusion was that TDM strategies need to be integrated withing transportation and land use policy aimed at providing a variety of mobility options. This would require financial and other support by both the public and private sectors.

October, 1997

President Wayne Yoshioka discussed the results of the survey that was completed by 50% of the membership. Major findings included the need to:

  • Disseminate Governemental/Legislative Information
  • Disseminate Technical Information
  • Provide a forum to take positions on local issues
  • Organize Educational Field Trips
  • Several committees will be formed in response to the survey. Members will be asked to participate.

Julian Ng, ITE’s representative on the OMPO Citizen Advisory Committee, reported that several State legislators discussed upcoming issues they anticipated during the 1998 session. These included:

  • higher fines for speeding
  • graduated license system for yound drivers
  • mandatory seatbelt usage by back seat passengers
  • toll roads
  • ITS funding
  • runway extension on Hawaii and Kauai
  • intra- and inter-island ferries
  • elimination of wharf fees for interisland freight
  • Panos Prevedouros demonstrated the Autoscope and three simulation models, CORSIM, INTEGRATION and WATSim. A paper he co-authored with M.S. candidate Yuhao Wang will be presented at the next meeting of the Transportation Research Board.


September, 1997

At the September luncheon meeting held on the 17th, Mr. Emilio Barroga, Jr., Project Manager, Hawaii DOT, discussed the H-1 Contraflow and Shoulder Lane project, more commonly known as the Zipper Lane. He also presented a short video at this meeting.

The project is expected to open in the fall of 1998. It involves the use of moveable barrier technology to provide contraflow and shoulder-lane operations between Manager’s Road and Middle Street Interchange on the H-1 Freeway in Honolulu.

The new HOV lane will be designated for buses, vanpools and 3+ carpools. The existing HOV lane, which will be integrated within the project, will continue to allow 2+ carpools.

At the same meetings, our representative on the Citizen Advisory Committee of the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization, Julian Ng, informed the membership about recent developments. Among these were

  • Adoption of revised citizen involvement procedures
  • Recommentations for projects to be included in the Transportation Improvement Program and Overall Work Program
  • Ann Cadavona, our representative on the Hawaii Council of Engineering Societies (HCES), reported that plans for next year’s Engineers’ Week are progressing and that HCES has embarked on a new initiative relating to enhancing the public image of engineers.

Ann is currently serving as Vice President of the HCES. Pete Pascua was also designated as an ITE representative on the HCES.

Members were asked to contact either Ann or Pete if they are not receiving the monthly issues of Wiliki, the joint engineering newsletter.

President Wayne Yoshioka distributed a questionnaire developed by the Executive Board to elicit suggestions from the members. The survey form will be mailed to all members. Completed surveys are due to Ann Cadavona by October 3.

The ITE District 6 Meeting will be held at the Fairmont Hotel, San Jose, California, on July 5-8, 1998. The emphasis of the meeting is on innovative approaches to solving complex transportation issues. A call for papers has been issued. Abstracts (300-350 words) are due by January 16, 1998. Include title, author(s), complete mailing address and telephone and fax number of presenter. Please send abstracts to:

Deborah Dagang
DKS Associates
1956 Webster Street, Suite 300
Oakland, California 94612


July, 1997

Results of the election of officers for 1997-98 were announced at the Section’s annual meeting on Tuesday, July 8, 1997. Congratulations to:

  • Wayne Y. Yoshioka, President [e-mail address: yoshiokaw@pbworld.com]
  • Susan M. Uejo, Vice President
  • Ann Luong Cadavona, Secretary
  • Pete Pascua, Treasurer
  • Julian Ng, Director

At the same meeting, Stanley Kawaguchi, Vice President and Regional Manager of Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade and Douglas, Inc., discussed his views on the future of the transportation engineering profession in Hawaii and on the mainland.

He noted that on the mainland accounting firms have been delving into the project management area and delegating the engineering design function to just a technical role.

The challenge for our profession is to go outside the traditional engineering box, be knowledgeable of the legal, social and political requirements of each project, and be creative in finding solutions to serve the needs of the client and society. Several examples of local projects, including the H-3 Freeway, Hotel Street Transit Mall, and Ford Island Bridge were highlighted.

May, 1997

Ms. Cheryl Soon, Director of the City and County of Honolulu’s Department of Transportation Services, shared the goals of the current administration and the efforts of DTS to support these goals, which include making Honolulu the most beautiful, culturally rich and pristine for a city of its size, developing a diversified economy, reducing crime, being the best-run and most livable city in the year 2050.

January 1997

Mr. Fred Nunes, Head of the Planning Section, Harbors Division, Hawaii Department of Transportation, represented the scheduled speaker at the Section’s January, 1997 meeting held on the 14th of the month.

He gave a comprehensive presentation of his Division’s organization, mission and future directions. Engineering is housed in Honolulu but its functions cover the statewide system of harbors.

The division is required to be self-sufficient. Revenues are deposited in the Harbors Special Fund and are used for capital improvements and M&O expenditures. Small projects are funded on a cash basis, whereas larger projects are financed via revenue bonds.

Mr. Nunes also outlined the recently issued draft Oahu Commercial Harbors 2020 Master Plan. It looks at all three harbors (Honolulu, Ewa, and Kewalo Basin) as a system. Forecasts of future needs were developed by consultants and the draft plan was arrived at by involving a wide range of stakeholders.

Next on the planning agenda are master plans for the neighbor islands and a study to assess the need to deal with hazardous materials and petroleum contamination accumulated over the years.