January 2014 Section Meeting

President Packard called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm.  He welcomed attendees and asked each person to introduce themselves and the organization they were with.

Vice-President Gibson announced that the topic for the next meeting would be a summary of planning-level analysis that was done for the Oahu Regional Transportation Plan concerning.

Warren Yamamoto made an announcement regarding Engineer’s Week.

Alan Fujimori began the presentation by giving some background on Complete Streets, Bill 26, and past Complete Streets demonstration projects.

President Packard presented information regarding Hele on Kaka’ako, which transfigured three blocks of Cooke Street into a temporary Complete Street with curb bulb-outs, mini traffic circles, and parklets.  He said that they first looked at what other cities did and tried to learn from their experiences, and emphasized the liability issues of putting non-standard items in the road.  The group had to develop plan sets, which were checked and verified by the Department of Transportation Services.  He discussed the construction of the temporary features and the traffic simulation modeling that showed that average speeds were faster with the mini traffic circles than with the current stop conditions at two of the intersections.

Mr. Fujimori then presented information on 2014’s effort, Hele on Kalihi, including the existing conditions, public workshops that were held to help define and refine the effort, and the current plan which will be put into effect in May of 2014.

Both men then took a few questions from the audience.

Cathy Leong made a few district ITE announcements, including a re-branding effort, the Western District ITE meeting in Rapid City, and the candidates for the Western District election.

The meeting adjourned at 1:10 pm.

By Brian Gibson